“Nonfiction Religion”
22-29 June, New York City
For 2024, APRIL’s annual summer colloquium is being re-invented as a week-long writing workshop in creative nonfiction (which includes but is not limited to memoir, long-form reportage, criticism, and history). APRIL’s Coolidge Fellows will meet as a group each day to discuss each other’s works in progress. Other time will be free to write and conduct research. Access to Columbia University’s Butler Library and Union Seminary’s library will be provided.
APRIL is thrilled to announce that Brook Wilensky-Lanford (MFA, Columbia Univ; PhD, UNC; author of Paradise Lust) will serve as the creative director for the Colloquium/Workshop, and will coordinate our time together.
We will be meeting through the week at our partner’s location, Judson Memorial Church, on Greenwich Village’s Washington Square Park.