Dr. Amanullah De Sondy

Dr. Amanullah De Sondy

Dr. Amanullah De Sondy is Head of the Study of Religions Department at University College Cork in Ireland and Senior Lecturer in Contemporary Islam. Aman has taught Islamic Studies at Ithaca College and University of Miami in the USA and is an affiliate of the University of Glasgow’s Theology and Religious Studies department in Scotland. Amongst several articles and chapters, he is the author of the Crisis of Islamic Masculinities (Bloomsbury Academic 2014) and Judaism, Christianity and Islam: An Introduction to Monotheism with Michelle A. Gonzalez and William S. Green (Bloomsbury Academic 2020). Aman has been broadcasting “thought for the day” with BBC Radio Scotland for over ten years and is passionate about the public understanding of religion through the themes of race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality and pluralism. Aman tweets @desondy