Vol. 71, No. 3: The Spirituality of Parenting

September 2021   TABLE OF CONTENTS   ARTICLES Brent Rodríguez-Plate, Editor’s Introduction: The Spirituality of Parenting. Or, Stomping, Screaming, and Slamming Doors Maia Kotrosits, On Letting Go: Parenting Without Possession  Shabana Mir, Sufi Feminist Immigrant Mothering   Kiranjot Kaur, Parenting with the Sikhi Spirit Edna M. Rodríguez-Plate, Skateboarding the Tao: Parenting, Balance, and Qigong Andrea…

Vol. 71, No. 2

June 2021   TABLE OF CONTENTS   ARTICLES Ilsup Ahn, Christian Realism, Human Vulnerability, and the U.S. Immigration Crisis Carol P. Christ, Religions and the Abuse of Women and Girls: Digging Deeper Paul Hedges, Lived Religion as Hermeneutical Comparative Theology: Employing Shiva Nataraja (Lord of the Dance) Imagery in Christian Art and Music Terrance MacMullan,…

Vol. 71, No. 1: Jewish Objects, Jewish Affects

March 2021   TABLE OF CONTENTS CrossCurrents at 70 and Beyond: An Editor’s Introduction, S. Brent Rodríguez-Plate Hooked on Feelings: The Story of My Jewish Pathologies, Jodi Eichler-Levine Feeling Jewish: Nostalgia and American Jewish Religion, Rachel B. Gross Something Alive Appears, Hannah Altman “Becoming” Bodies: Affect Theory, Transgender Jews, and the Rejection of the Coherent…

Vol. 70, No. 3: Cinema: The Georeligious Aesthetic

September 2020 Edited by S. Brent Plate   TABLE OF CONTENTS Cinema: The Georeligious Aesthetic, S. Brent Plate Nollywood and Pentecostalism: Preaching Salvation, Propagating the Supernatural, Chijioke Azuawusiefe Manshin: TenFilm as a Ritual of Seeing Beyond the Visible: The Case of Thousand Spirits (2013), Hwasun Choe ‘As They Really Are’: The World Outlook Of Protestant-Sponsored Mission…

Vol. 70, No. 2: Privacy

June 2020 Edited by Yelena Mazour-Matusevich   TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction, Yelena Mazour-Matusevich Privacy, Interiority and Confession: A Historical Perspective, Yelena Mazour-Matusevich Weaponizing Personal Data to Undermine Democracy, Eric Santanen The Surveillance of the Victim: Visibility, Privacy and the Crisis of Bodies in Franciscan Thought, David B. Couturier Whispers in the Closet: Reflections on TSA…

Vol. 69, No. 4: Religion and Sex / ualities

December 2019 Edited by Samuel B. Davis and Pamela D. Winfield   TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction, Samuel B. Davis and Pamela D. Winfield Erastes-Eromenos Relationships in Two Ancient Epics, Morgan van Kesteren Rumi: The Homoerotic Sufi Saint, Delaney James Leah and Hagar: An Intergenerational Conversation of Belonging, Ashley Starr-Morris Queer Nuns and Genderbending Saints: Genderf*cking…

Vol. 69, No. 3: Guilt and Impurity

September 2019 Edited by Katharina von Kellenbach   TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction, Katharina von Kellenbach Guilt and Its Purification: The Church and Sexual Abuse, Katharina von Kellenbach Weeds Among the Wheat: The Impurity of the Church Between Tolerance, Solace, and Guilt Denial, Meinolf Schumacher Purity and Kashrut, Deborah Williger “Clean” Collections: On the Idea of…