Vol. 69, No. 1: The Current and Future Direction of Theological Education

March 2019 Edited by Christian Scharen   TABLE OF CONTENTS The Current and Future Directions of Theological Education, Christian Scharen Liberating and Diversifying Theological Education: A Subversive or Empowering Aspiration, Amos Yong Buy a Field: The Future of Theological Educators, Willie James Jennings From Multiculturality to Interculturality: The Aim of Theological Education in Today’s Global…

Vol. 68, No. 1: Religion, Political Democracy, and Specters of Race

March 2018   TABLE OF CONTENTS Religion, Political Democracy, and Specters of Race: Introduction, James Logan The Future of Sexual Inclusion: Anti-Black Racism, Black Patriarchy and Prospects for Political Democracy, Keri Day Race: Fifty Years Later, Stanley Hauerwas The Backlash This Time: Obama, Trump, and the American Trauma, Gary Dorrien Black Dignity, Vincent Lloyd A…

Vol. 67, No. 4: Ambiguity

December 2017   TABLE OF CONTENTS Ambiguity, Anne Foerst About the Cover Art, Tobi Kahn Japanese American Spiritual Ambiguity and Arts of Silence, Brett J. Esaki Belief and Delusion as Palliative Responses to Uncertainty, Philip R. Corlett  “Clear as God’s Words”?–Dealing with Ambiguities in the Bible, Manfred Oeming More Choice, Less Uncertainty: The Paradoxical Relationship…

Vol. 67, No. 3: Strangers or Neighbors? Jewish, Muslim, and Christian Perspectives on Refugees

September 2017   TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction: Fear and Hospitality, Björn Krondorfer, Guest Editor Christian Scriptural Perspectives on Refugees, Peter A. Pettit An Islamic Approach to Migration and Refugees, Zeki Saritoprak Two Questions—Many Answers: Making Strangers Neighbors, David Kader Intervention I: Neighbors Familiar Strangers: The Case of Somali Immigrants in Lewiston, Maine, Andrea Voyer The…

Vol. 67, No. 2: Intersections of Liberation and Reconciliation

June 2017   TABLE OF CONTENTS Race, Gender, Exclusion, and Divine Discontent: Pauli Murray and the Intersections of Liberation and Reconciliation, Gary Dorrien Love for Animals? Glimmerings in the Bible, Peter Heinegg The Heart of the Matter, Phil Kershner Early Modern Hate Speech—Martin Luther`s Anti-Semitism Responses and Reactions, Ursula Rudnick Presidential Evangelist for War, Francis…

Vol. 67, No. 1: Black Religions in Brazil / Religiões Negras no Brasil

Publication Date   TABLE OF CONTENTS (Bi-Lingual Issue)   English Articles: Introduction, Cláudio Carvalhaes and Marcos Rodrigues da Silva An Afro-American History: Paths for a Theological and Epistemological Afro Reflection, Marcos Rodrigues da Silva Toward a Black Theology in Brazil, Leontino Faria dos Santos Black Theology in Brazil: Decolonial and Marginal, Ronilso Pacheco Being a…