September 2019
Edited by Katharina von Kellenbach
Introduction, Katharina von Kellenbach
Guilt and Its Purification: The Church and Sexual Abuse, Katharina von Kellenbach
Weeds Among the Wheat: The Impurity of the Church Between Tolerance, Solace, and Guilt Denial, Meinolf Schumacher
Purity and Kashrut, Deborah Williger
“Clean” Collections: On the Idea of Contamination in the Provenance Discussion, Roger Fayet
Shit Bucket Campaigns and Nestbeschmutzer: The Waldheim Affair in Austria, Iris Hermann
Purifying Indonesia, Purifying Women: The National Commission for Women’s Rights and the 1965-1968 Anti-Communist Violence, Nelly van Doorn-Harder
The Bible’s Greatest Meme? Peter Heinegg
Condemning the Congregation, Peter Heinegg
Summa Anti-Theologica, Peter Heinegg
Disfellowshipped!, Peter Heinegg
John V. Tolan, Peter Heinegg