March 2020
Edited by Stephanie Mitchem
Elections Have Consequences, Stephanie Mitchem
Boston Declaration: A Prophetic Appeal to Christians of the United States, Peter Goodwin Heltzel, Pamela R. Lightsey and Christian T. Collins Winn
Capitalism and Christianity: A Symbiotic Relationship or a Quiet Replacement, Jane Clark
Mixed Messages and Hopeful Journeys, Gail Bienstock
Complexities Within Muslim America and Challenges in 2020 Presidential Voting, Dawud Walid
The Wildcard: Evangélicos in the 2020 Election, Noel Castallanos, Peter Goodwin Heltzel and Eli Valentin
Revising Democratic Socialism: C. A. R. Crosland and Pluralistic Economic Democracy, Gary Dorrien
After the Protests Are Heard: Enacting Civic Engagement and Social Transformation, Deborah J. Haynes
Contemporary Theological Approaches to Sexuality, Rosalind Flynn Hinton
“Strangers on the Pew”, Erin York