Brook Wilensky-Lanford Brook Wilensky-Lanford is a writer, editor, and teacher dedicated to helping people tell better stories about religion. She is author of the narrative history Paradise Lust: Searching for the Garden of Eden (Grove Press, 2011), a New York Times Book Review Editors’ Choice; former editor of the twenty-year-old literary magazine Killing the Buddha; and co-editor of a “Nonfiction Religion” special…

Managing Editor

Damien Pascal Domenack Damien Pascal Domenack, (he/him) is a chaplain, Santero priest, and a candidate for ordination in the Unitarian Universalist tradition whose ministry centers Queer, Transgender, Black, and Brown immigrant communities of which he is a part. Damien is a longtime hospitality professional, prison abolitionist, and founding member of AUdre Lorde Project’s TransJustice. He…

Pamela D. Winfield

Associate Editor

Pamela D. Winfield Pamela D. Winfield is Professor of Buddhist Studies at Elon University, NC. Her award-winning book Icons and Iconoclasm in Japanese Buddhism and her co-edited volume (with Steven Heine) entitled Zen and Material Culture were both published by Oxford University Press. She has edited several themed issues of CrossCurrents Journal and published extensively…

S. Brent Rodriguez-Plate Born in the year of the Fire Horse, Professor Rodríguez-Plate has traveled the world seeking ways that people practice and/or fight against religious traditions, whether ancient or modern. Convinced that religion has less to do with beliefs than with bodies, Rodríguez-Plate queries the ways people connect with physical objects through sense perception: the things…