September 2017



Introduction: Fear and Hospitality, Björn Krondorfer, Guest Editor

Christian Scriptural Perspectives on Refugees, Peter A. Pettit

An Islamic Approach to Migration and Refugees, Zeki Saritoprak

Two Questions—Many Answers: Making Strangers Neighbors, David Kader

Intervention I: Neighbors
Familiar Strangers: The Case of Somali Immigrants in Lewiston, Maine,
Andrea Voyer

The Virtues and Limits of Hospitality: Granting Refugee Status in Islam, Khaleel Mohammed

Helpless Refugees or the Seed of Amalek: A Cautionary Note about the Use of Judaism as a Means to Justify Political Agendas, Gil Ribak

The Refugee Status: Political Ethics and Moral Politics, Elena G. Procario-Foley

Intervention II: Borders: Strangers and Neighbors: The Tohono O’odham and the Myth of “Us versus Them” on the US/Mexico Border, Robert Neustadt

Immigrants and Evangelicals: What Does the Bible Say?, Karla R. Suomola

Searching for Refuge: Challenges in the Contemporary Muslim World, Muhammed Shafiq

A Jewish Perspective on Ethical Issues Surrounding the Refugee Strangers, David Patterson

Past Challenges and Future Promise in Interreligious Encounters, Tim Crain

Intervention III: Global Refugees in an Age of Climate Change Alex Alvarez

CrossCurrents September 2017